Great !! Couldn't this file be stored on the "" site ? And there must be someway to extract/insert from/to the Eagle libraries. How should I else be able to include someones elses additions to my own library where I might have added some other parts myself ? I woudn't like to lose those... Anyway, I just fired up my Eagle, and tried "export" from the lib editor. It created a large file with *all* of the microchip.lbr file. But in there was my own data : Edit TC77.sym; Layer 94; Wire 0.254 (-7.62 10.16) (7.62 10.16) (7.62 -5.08) (-7.62 -5.08) \ (-7.62 10.16); Pin 'VDD' I/O None Middle R0 Both 0 (-12.7 7.62); Pin 'VSS' I/O None Middle R0 Both 0 (-12.7 -2.54); Pin 'CS' I/O None Middle R180 Both 0 (12.7 7.62); Pin 'SI/O' I/O None Middle R180 Both 0 (12.7 2.54); Pin 'SCK' I/O None Middle R180 Both 0 (12.7 -2.54); Edit; Prefix ''; Description 'Thermal sensor with SPI interface'; Value Off; Add TC77 'G$1' Next 0 (0 -2.54); Package 'SOT23-5L' ''''''; Technology ''; Connect 'G$1.CS' '1' 'G$1.VSS' '2' 'G$1.SCK' '3' 'G$1.SI/O' '4' 'G$1.VDD' '5'; I also tried to "remove" te TC77 from the lib and re-execute these commands (not the whole exported script), and I got it back (with a few errror that I havn't checked right now, I could have missed some parts of the large script...). Maybe we should create a special "piclist.lbr" ? Jan-Erik Svderholm S:t Anna Data Sweden >I just made 18f452 and 16f628. I'll send the whole library off list (10k >file), since I don't know how to extract just one part. Please check the >parts for mistakes. If anybody else needs it, just let me know. >Regards, Samo -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads