Hi All, I have programmed PICs literally hundreds of times (16F84 16F876 16F877 on a DonTronics DT001 Programmer using PICALL) I have had program failures, due to wrong settings etc. But recently I've had some problems with PICs running the programs. OK, I know that I may have program bugs that I can't find, yet, but it seems that the chip accepts the program, but won't run it. My query is: If the PIC accepts the program, and verifys the program, and the program can be read back, and no errors come up on the PICALL screen, the program must be in program memory. Right? If the program won't run (and assume for the moment that the program has no errors) can a chip fault prevent the program from running? In other words, is program memory separate physically from the CPU, the ALU and all the other stuff? Regards to all Howard Simpson. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu