Summary: > Emu is over rated. ..... > Camel is good eating if done right. > Seen lama steaks for sale in the South Highlands(just south of Sydney) > Snake tastes just like chicken (pretty close). > Haven't tried croc yet, told it again tastes a bit like chicken. > Had a mate who tried wombat reckoned that tasted pretty bad, > MacDonalds were supposedly using Water buffalo here Locals in Taiching (large city halfway down Taiwan), took me to an "authentic" Mongolian restaurant. Very impressive - many separate "tents", flaming torches, penned goats and all. Some food cooked at table in a boiler in middle of table. One dish was unusual. Asked what it was. Serving lady went away to ask. Reply came back "Chickens eggs and goats eggs". Guess what. :-). Tasted OK I guess, considering. RM -- hint: To leave the PICList