On Wed, 23 Oct 2002, llile@SALTONUSA.COM wrote: *>I constructed a circuit using an NPN transistor yesterday, C to VDD, E to *>MCLR, B to my filtered input voltage. (many ways are possible). I am not *>happy with it because of excessive parts count, and also the whole shebang *>rebooted a time or two when a noise pulse came along on the Vdd line. Excessive parts count ? I thought you say part, not parts, for a single transistor, no ? You should try Dwayne Ried's circuit. PNP with C to GND, B to Vdd, E to MCLR, and input your signal to MCLR through a resistor. *>I'll try your simpler diode clamp to VDD today and see how far I get with *>it. Apparently people are saying if MCLR does not rise more than a diode *>drop above Vdd it should be safe, although I cannot determine that from *>the spec sheets. Look at the absolute maximum ratings. It should be there somehwere. Peter -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu