On Mon, 21 Oct 2002, Jim wrote: *>Peter, I don't know *why* you need a phase-capable *>indicating system for use with a bridge - when *>a simple 'detection' (diode, meter, etc) will *>suffice to detect 'the null' when the bridge *>has reached the balanced state ... a simple *>diode RF detector outfitted to your favorite *>DVM can provide that function ... *>Between what two points do you hope to view *>the phase and what information might this reveal? I want to be able to use it to measure/balance complex RLC loads like transformer + cable + transformer or telephone line equivalent or resonant transducers and other such things. Otherwise I would not bother. *>As to needing 'extra pairs of scope probes' for *>a scope for to be used in a particular dedicated *>application - I would suggest the use of 'resistive *>dividers' in the manner of 'minimum-loss matching *>pads' (or even the use of buffer amplifiers!) *>designed placed at the output of the DUT (or test *>set) and 50 (or 75 or 93) Ohm cable routed for display *>on the O-scope where said cable is terminated in *>it's characteristic Z. Many newer/high frequency *>scopes also have a termination selection built-in. Yes except @home I use an old 2 x 25MHz scope. Buffer amplifiers could be used, good idea. Now all I have to do is match them in phase and compensate for any distortion they may induce (when is an ellipsis an ellipsis, and where are its apexes ? ;-). *>The point being, the lowly O-scope should not be *>overlooked for some of the more slightly exotic *>applications such as observing phase and magnitude *>of two signals ... That is correct but squinting at a trace and using a ruler or protractor or something like that on a 5 inch screen with more than enough parallax is less elegant and less accurate than reading a pair of DVMs. The DVM 'vector voltmeter' would also be portable more or less. I think I tried to use my home scope only once in XY mode and I got a 'snake' curve from connecting both channels to a sine wave source. Needs linearity calibration (I doubt it has such a control) or junking ;-). Remember on cheap scopes the X and Y amplifiers are built very different. Peter -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.