> > > All you have to know is that 42 is what you get if you multiply > > > six by nine and accept there's something fundamentally wrong > > > about the universe > > > > And what is it that you have against working in base 13 that > > makes it fundamentally wrong ? :-) Warning. The following ALL makes sense but may or may not be considered useful and may blow the odd brain fuse. Hereunder nn/xx means nn in base xx. with nn and xx all base 10 unless specified otherwise. eg 42/13 means 42 base 13 = 54 base 10 = 54/10 > Base 12a you mean. That's interesting - I've never seen anyone express a base higher than 10 in any base other than base 10. (All bases to their own base are base 10 of course, but I digress.) That leaves the problem of determining what base it was you were expressing base 12a in as the a is not a legal digit in base 10/10. As a usually conveys 11/10 your base must be at least 12/10 (as the largest single digit expreeeable in any base is one less than the base). If we assume you are using base 16/10 then 12a/16 = 298/10. It's going to be difficult to get enough characters to express all the digits in such a large base system. Presumably one uses accents - acutes, graves, cedillas etc. Or maybe one could drop into wingdings or similar. Regardless, if we assume that a/298 is meant to signify 10/10 then 6/298 x 9/298 = (54/10)/298. I use 54/10 temporarily as it has not yet been established what symbol should be used. As A/xx (or a/xx as you seem to have put it in 12a/xx) = 10/10 Z/xx would be 35/10. Horrors! Maybe you did not mean that a = A as I have been assumomng and meant that the symbols went 0...9, A...Z, a...z or similar, in which case 12a/xx would be MUCH larger that 298./10 as "a" now no longer means 10/10 but probably 61/10. That being the case (which I most severely doubt) then a = 61/10 and 12a must be in at least base 62/10 (for the reasons noted above). As 62/10 seems an unlikely base then perhaps it is in base 64/10 in which case 12a/64 = 270,246/10. (ie 64^3*1+64^2*2+10 all base 10). This is an extroadinarily large base to work with! While I cannot start to thing what single character symbology you could use to represent numbers in this base I would like to suggest one for the specifric value of 12a/(270,246/10). As the ant-html thought police will not allow me to turn on HTML to represent this in a single character (and in any case the character sets used in various locations would cause it to appear differently) please mentally replace the 3 following character string with its more usual pictogram. I would like to suggest that you represent 12a/(270,246/10) with :-) (although some may sugesst that that would be unlucky.) R :-) M Coffee breaks over - back to work. And in OUR family, we have just the 10 digits > and no funny webbing either > > -- > http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList > mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu > > > > -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads