>Even 10 bits of resolution gives a LSB that is aprox 0.098 % of >full scale. Even that is hard to get in a repeateble way. > >May I ask, *what* needs a 16 bit A/D value ? > >Jan-Erik Svderholm. Thanks for your input. But if it was so difficult to get repeatable result in 10bit ADC, why would there be 24 bit ADC? made? I have used 4andhalf digit ADCs (7135) and it has no problems of repeatability. 7109 which is a 12 bit ADC also has no problems. > >May I ask, *what* needs a 16 bit A/D value ? > > Weighing systems, for one, especially when dollars (euros, dinars whatever) > are involved. Also if you need wide dynamic range (eg. hi-fi audio). > > The PIC14000 was a first cut attempt, if you want high resolution, use > a delta-sigma converter with a microcontroller or use one of those other > micros that has an on board converter (two types, both of them 8051 core). > You can get a 24 bit converter. >Spehro Pefhany --"it's the network..." "The Journey is the reward" May I ask which one? I have used 8051 core micros, but haven't come across one with 24 bit adc. (Though I must confess, I haven't searched for it). I was told to use PIC14000, so I didnot look beyond it. Regards, Vyas -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu