> This came up in a beginner thread, but I'd like to get a definitive > answer. Can I use VCC for the "ground" side of the crystal's > phase shift caps? Theory says VCC is equivilent to ground from > an AC perspective, and it would certainly make most PCB layouts > a bit cleaner, but I'd like to hear from someone who has done this > regularly and thinks that it actually > works! > > Thanks > Bill W The easy way would be to try it and see what happens. I don't recall ever seeing a micro or (parallel) oscillator that used caps to Vcc, apart from that one Microchip circuit. Microchip's own guide to PIC oscillators http://www.microchip.com/download/appnote/rfpic/00826a.pdf has no mention that I can see of caps to Vcc, and all diagrams show caps to ground. So does the Mid-range Manual, and several other MC pdfs I looked through. Maybe caps to Vcc is acceptable, but putting them to ground is certainly the prevailing method. Mention is made in the M-RM of the quiescent charging of caps during SLEEP and how that can make oscillator start-up difficult. Perhaps that's a clue -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu