Not sure if this only applies to UK. See . Only supports '627 and '84. The email acknowledging my filled-out Webform telling me how to download the freebie said (amongst other things): Quote+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ There are no code size or optimization limitations placed on the PICC Lite compiler, other than its restriction to the PIC16F627, PIC16C84, 16F84 and 16F84A devices. Other differences are: there is no source code supplied for the library routines; the compiler comes with no printf() support for longs or floats, due to the 1K maximum code size of the supported chips; two ram banks of the 16F627 are supported for general purpose ram. -------------------------------------------Unquote They specifically say in the email that commercial use of this freeware is licensed, although it is primarily intended for hobbyists and education. I don't think this has been on PIClist before - sorry if it has. Tim Forcer Department of Electronics & Computer Science The University of Southampton, UK The University is not responsible for my opinions -- hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See for details.