> 1. Does the code syntax change depending on the crystal speed? it seems > like if it didnt why wouldnt you just always use the fastest one, the > price differences seem minimal. Code syntax? No, code content? Yes, delay loops have to be changed, along with r-m-w problems that creep up at higher speeds. Lower speeds have their benefits, power being the biggest. In a battery environment you often go as slow as possible to save power. There are other factors as well. > 2. Are there any internet resources that explain more about a hexadecimal > value crystal vs. a decimal value crystal? I have a problem understand how > a crystal that emits frequencies would have anything to do with binary or > decimal, I would like to know more about that. As described a hex crystal is only one with a frequency that can easily be divided wholy. This is important if you want to use serial comms or something having to do with time, otherwise it isn't as important. > 3. Ceramic Resonators, I imagine when you talk about accuracy you are > referring to the fact that a clock cycle varies in the time it execute? so > basically this only matters when you need accuracy within milliseconds and > consistantly correct? Yes, you really only have to worry about oscillator accuracy when you need something to be very precise, usually when doing something over a long period of time. Even serial comms can tolerate a surprising amount of inaccuracy and still function perfectly. > BTW, I have been considering if I should get into the PICs or the AVRs, > and from my initial emails it appears that I get a lot more support from > the PIC users than the AVR. I wonder why if the AVR's are faster and > 'better' overall why the support base is so skewed towards PIC users... AVRs aren't "better" overall, they are "better" in some cases, as PICs are "better" in other cases. From a pure hobbiest begginer with no prior experience POV I'd recommend PICs since there is so much support, both from users AND the manufacturers (Microchip is suprisingly supportive of hobbiests, at least compared to other MCU manufacturers). OTOH an AVR would probably be better for a beginer who has had experience with the Intel or Motorolla based MCUs in the past since AVRs are much closer to that architecture then PICs are. In fact PICs are pretty weird at first glance, but after you get used to it there are some nice benefits with the PIC approach. Just my opinion. TTYL -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads