8Kbit/s sec sampling will be fine. An 8 bit (256 level) ADC will also be fine for telephone quality - it's what the phone companies use after all! You don't need 12 bits and 10 bits is probably more resolution than justified. For degraded speech quality I think you can drop to ~6 bit resolution and ~6k sampling but it sounds pretty rough! I'll leave the exact ADC connections to someone else but you need to use a 5V regulator to drop the 9V supply to 5V for the ADC; a resistor will not be sufficient. The phone line will also need to be isolated from the "outside world". If the kit is in a plastic box along with the battery, you may be able to get away with it (at least for private use !) but for any external connection (eg the ethernet link) or sellable product you will need to provide an isolation barrier (and some sort of compiance/approval) depending on your market. Don't forget the 100Vac or so you get back down the line when the phone rings - you will need to provide protection for this also! Richard P Hello, I have a few questions in regards to ADC capable PICs (in regards to the project mentioned below). Unfortunately, my knowledge is lacking although I am trying to correct that), so bare with me. I am wanting to sample input from a telephone, encode that input into mu-law audio format, and then send that data over a LAN to another machine. I found a company that sells boards that use the CS8900 ethernet chips (preassembled and kits), as well as a tutorial on how to send UDP packets over an ethernet link using it. Right now however, I am more concerned with sampling the signal from the telephone, and to make sure my basic design for that is correct. Since human speech usually is below 4000 hz, the minimum sample rate I would need is 8,000 samples per second. Since the signal itself's highest frequency should be around 4000 hz, a 12 bit resolution (4096 possible values) should work. Is this correct? I have been looking at the PIC16C77X MCUs.. I was also looking at the PDF datasheet at: http://www.microchip.com/download/lit/pline/picmicro/families/16c77x/30275a.pdf So here are some more somewhat basic questions: The pinout diagram shows pins 11 as AVdd, pin 12 as AVss, pin 4 as VRef- and pin 5 as VRef+. These are all of the pins I will need to use specifically for the ADC part of things, correct? I wish to have a telephone connected via a standard telephone cord to an RJ11 jack on a standalone unit (with among other things the PIC in it). A 9V power supply will be used to power the phone line. Since 9v is way too much to connect to the AD on the PIC (correct?), a resistor will need to be used to get it below the 4.096V level (which is the max voltage level for AVDD,AVSS right?). So, basically I was thinking the negative terminal on the battery can be connected to the RING pin on the RJ11 jack, and the TIP pin on the jack can be connected to the Avdd pin on the PIC, and have the AVss pin connected to the positive terminal on the battery... I would need a resistor inbetween the RJ11 TIP pin and the AVDD pin (correct?).. I have the bad feeling that I have something (lots of things?) backward however (hence the reason for this post).. I also don't know what to use for VREF + or VREF -... In the datasheet it mentions "The analog reference voltages are software selectable to either the device's analog positive and negative supply voltages (AVDD/AVSS), the voltage level on the VREF+ and VREF- pins, or the internal voltage reference if available (VRH, VRL)." Does this mean that only the AVDD, and AVSS pins are necessary, and VREF+ and - are not needed, assuming I set the reference voltage to the analog positive and negative supply? If someone would care to point out the mistakes I made above, point me in the right direction etc.. that would be great! Nathan -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu