> I will have to try the reflector. Where would I pick one up IR LEDs come in a variety of output angles for different porpoises. For example 5 degrees for point-to-point comms or aperture detection, with the IR concentrated in a narrow beam for a receiver's "sweet spot". Others have up to 80 degree or more output. The idea of a reflector for the white LEDs was to create a parallel beam from the LEDs fan- shaped beam. I used an old 50mm torch reflector, but anything shiny and parabolic would do the job. Can't think what off the shelf though. Maybe aluminium foil and plasticine for starters ??? The LED might not need any help at the sort of range you're probably thinking of ( < 3m ?) anyway. The trick to good transmission is short hard pulses. Russell and I, posterboys for Zetex, recommend ZTX transistors rather than more common ones like BC548 or BC337. ZTX switch faster and harder, makes a huge difference to the IR signal -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.