> >Note that the site compiler and some, but not very probably not all, of the > >papers' authors have strong Christian beliefs and may well be considered to ... > These are all Creation Science (sic) / Religious nutter websites and I > venture to suggest they have no place being proposed as 'scientific > studies' on this List. Haven't looked at them all. Some obviously are what you expect them to be. Very surprised to hear that ALL are. Their source aside; do you have problems with their methodology or analysis of the available data? However, I have some good "hard Science", sure-not-to-offend-one's-religious-sensibility references which I'll write up and post shortly. These deal with the quasar / quantised light observations that I mentioned in passing. IF these numerous but delicate and well studied and analysed observations turn out to be for real then expect the WHOLE of Physics as we know it to have its foundations removed in due course (not to mention the infrastructure). Jury may be in by year's end I hear. > And what does the speed of light have to do with > PICs in any case? Quite a lot, although not of immensely practical application. Note that the tag was (and is) [EE]: which seemed to be appropriate. I thought about using [OT]: but [EE]: seemed better. IF the speed of light is varying or has been varying it has major EE implications, although none that will immediately change how we think of PICS (however that may be).. Note that the yet to be referenced quasar measurements deal with the fine structure "constant" Alpha. Alpha = 2 x Pi x e^2 /c / h e = electron charge c = (prepare for jump to) light speed h = Planck's constant (he hopes)(or would were he alive) Pi = you know 2 = just some guy, you know. Which one (if not several) of these "constants" do you think is varying if anything is ? Me - I plump for Pi, with 2 as a close second guess :-) Would arguably cause less hair tearing in the scientific community than e, c or h :-) RM -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads