Me searching again I am looking for a reliable way to detect water, although the sensor is= covered with a layer of dirt, oil film, etc. And the water may be pure or= contaminated. (=3Dnot possible to use electrodes or optics, and capacitive is not reliable= for pure water, as the dirt may conduct better... Other ideas are welcome!= ) My idea is to place two small piezo crystals with some mm gap between. The= gap is to be wide enough to the dirt don=B4t bridge all over it. Then when= water arrives it fills the gap and acousticly couples the piezos. Normal piezo speakers are too wide to fit, and probably to fragile. I think= a more cubic formed multilayer piezo would be better. On my table i have a nice pamphlet from Philips showing exactly what i want= :) ...but when i call them they say piezos was dropped or sold off years ago :/ So... anyone have an idea of where to find such cuties? /Morgan=20 -- hint: To leave the PICList