Scott, First, slap yourself on the wrist for use of 'tris'. I'll let it slide this time. :-) I copied your code into MPLAB and simulated it successfully. So that's okay. The problem must be with the circuit. Can you email that or ascii-draw it here? Few things I can think of: - Some programmers will not give you feedback if the programming fails. Test this by building one of the LED flashers from the piclist site, etc. IE: something *known* to work. - Is MCLR connected to +ve? - You're resetting your delays with '0F' which is 16. With 2 counters, you have a delay of 256 loop cycles. At 4Mhz, each instruction is 1 micro-second, so that's not much of a delay. Change those to 'FF' or so for now. Either way, even though you say that the circuit is correct, there may be something that a fresh and more experienced pair of eyes may pick up. Cheers, -Neil. -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads