Hi Rodrigo I agree with you about converting the parallel data to serial and reading it into the pc that way. You won't need to write pc software for this; you should be able to use a terminal program to capture the data. There are parallel to serial converters on the market - or at least there used to be. That might be the fastest way to solve your problem. If not, it should not be very difficult to wire up a pic to do the job. There is *plenty* of information on the net about the centronics parallel port. I am assuming that your equipment that generates the data uses handshaking signals to avoid over-running the printer. If so, you let the pic toggle these to control the flow of data. Latch a byte, send it to the uart (or bit-bang if you like) and continue. It takes more time to describe than to actually do it. Good luck! Tom M. At 10:15 AM 8/24/02 -0300, you wrote: >Hi, > >I have a laboratory equipment that performs some chemical data >analysis and emits a printed report. The printer port is the only >output interface to the world. > >The problem is that I would like to capture the data with a computer. >I tried, ingenuously, to make a polling software to read the data, of >course it failed loosing some characters. Even though I have taken >care of the handshaking, I guess the problem is with the STROBE short >duration. > >I have searched the Internet for a simple solution, but I still did >not found, everybody that had the same problem solved in some other >way. > >I have found LPTCAP >(http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/kheidens/lptcap/lptcap.htm), which >seems to do the job, but I would like to know your opinion about what >would be the best choice. > >I think that maybe the simplest thing to do is to convert the parallel >signal to serial, and read it nicely through the serial port. But I don't >know exactly how can I convert the parallel signal sent to a printer >to a serial one. > -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu