> As far as I can see they are totally different. A conventional signature gives > some info about titles/phone numbers etc and a PGP signature provides a method > of authenticating the sender of a message. It's debatable how well PGP does > this outside of closed trust frameworks, in any case I don't see why a post to > the piclist should require non-repudiatable authentication of the sender. Any personal information that the user wishes to share could be posted on their piclist.com webspace, thus rendering signatures containing personal information useless. Authentication on this list is not terribly important, but for some people can be a force of habit. For me, I wanted to use the "sign all outgoing messages" option with the PGP plugin I have. Sending unsigned mails to the list means I either have to select the signature option for all non-piclist email, or deselect the signature for all piclist email. It's simply easier for me to send signed emails to the piclist. As to the reliability of a PGP signature, so long as you have the public key from a trusted source, or signed by a trusted source, the signature is reliable. I, personally, use 2048-bit encrypted email to anyone who can recieve it. I do this for two reasons: the first is that I do care a bit about my privacy, and the second... There was a rumour a while ago, how true it was, I do not know. It stated that the US government was considering declaring encryption a tool that only terrorists use, and therefore outlawing it. Also, I remember hearing about a statement from some branch of the US govornment said that Americans could not expect privacy in their email. So, A) If enough people use encrypted email on a regular basis, then encryption cannot be declared a tool of terrorists, and B) I don't want people snooping in my private email. I know I'm a bit of a conspiracy theorist, but, I think it's healthy to have some skepticism as to the trustworthyness of email, and PGP gives a good step in the right direction. --Brendan -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body