> GST (Goods and Services Taxes / Grab Snatch Take) is 12.5% in > NZ. I'm registered for it, even though by most reckonings I'm a very > small business (well hardly even a business, I'm just a self-employed > developer), and the rebate is a welcome bit of pocket money in > addition to buying at trade prices. It also means I can pass on that > lower price by excluding GST from the bill, which is a good will > gesture towards customers Hey Jinx, Is it OK to not add the GST? I'm all for the good will stuff but not sure how the IRD might view this. The GST we add on to an account ends up in their hands, right?, so it's not going into our pockets anyway. I'm mostly a developer too, but every now and then I buy stuff through my trade accounts for "mates". I'm happy to do this and I like to make sure they get a good deal. Even with commercial customers I like them to get things cheaper through me than retailers. As such usually don't add any margin but have had quite a few cases now where I have to return the product for credit or replacement and I end up footing the courier costs and incurring a lot of extra time. Just because they are mates doesn't mean they forfeit their customer rights, and I must be a responsible retailer. I'm trying to make a policy for myself now, eg under $30 add 30%, $30 - $100 add 20%, $100 - $500 add 10%, over that add $50. Just an idea. I'm not aiming to make big gobs of money from onselling but need to cover my costs to keep in the development business. -- Brent Brown, Electronic Design Solutions 16 English Street, Hamilton, New Zealand Ph/fax: +64 7 849 0069 Mobile/txt: 025 334 069 eMail: brent.brown@clear.net.nz -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body