Hi, working on an graphic lcd project and have come to the conclusion that i need an fixed pitch font of either the size 6x13 or 7x14. None of the=20 100+ ttf font's I have on my win-machine will match the bill. An hour of googling=20 just took me on de-tours ( google seems to think that X-windows is the same as windows :) ). I've found that X-windows has an 7x14 font but as I'm using XP that does not help me a bit.=20 So anyone, I need either (6x13 &| 7x14): 1: Bitmap(or another uncompressed format will do) with characters in ASCII range 0x20-0x7F 2: Font file for windows so i can generate the nessesary bitmap myself. 3: Large bat :) ( just kidding, just to check if you kept your concentration ) Thanks in advance for any pointers,links etc. PS And yes I've tried the terminal font in windows (to wide), console fonts (to wide), andale (to wide), etc etc. /Tony -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.