Russell, I must admit you are very persuasive (and verbose ! ) on this issue & I am coming around to your viewpoint. However I still have a number of difficulties with this issue - one being that I believe it is now too late to change anything. Even here in NZ we cannot effectively isolate ourselves from GE products - as recent events have shown. Worldwide, the horse has truly bolted. The simplified analogy of figuring out how the machine works by playing with the controls is apt if not entirely accurate. The one regarding the software routines is probably more accurate but harder to visualise. The problem is, someone, somewhere, will be playing with the controls and we may well feel the consequences. If we do not do the same (or find a better way) then we will not be able to mitigate any adverse effects that may come our way. Even if no-one anywhere were to work on GE development, a situation could arise by "normal" mutation that we are unable to understand or correct early - having GE in our toolkit does increase our chances of minimising the effects of various diseases to plants, animals and mankind. But at what cost? The release or evolution of a GE based disease or organism could take us back the 700 years or so you mentioned earlier. Of course continued GE research increases the chances of release of hazardous organisms. This could be accidental, or deliberate - the return to the dark ages with a dedicated religious/terrorist group with foreknowledge (and resistance ?) would answer all their prayers! The existing (or at least acknowledged) biological weapons would pale into insignificance beside a GE weapon. It is like comparing conventional & nuclear explosives and the users could well have some sort of immunity to the effects of the attack themselves. Makes you wonder about the sabre rattling going on between Bush & Saddam at the moment doesn't it. Or is that, like some suggest re Afghanistan, mostly based on the medium term oil supply situation- sorry, I'm getting very OT. If widespread public opinion could be harnessed (wrong word - this implies manipulation but I can't think of the right one) to support the general opposition to GE the main players would be likely to continue covertly. Big business would still chase the profits available by producing higher yields/disease resistance - and presumably would claim that "natural selection" etc. was the method used - and Military/terrorist development would not be affected by public opinion anyway. Restricting the distribution of information may delay things slightly but in the end that is all that would happen. In the event of terrorist or accidental release of something really nasty we would be better off if someone, somewhere knew something about the issue - which means that some sort of sanctioned research should continue anyway. Research is mainly going to be funded by the possibility of long term financial gain - so again, in order to maintain a knowledge base in the subject we will have to risk the consequences. Very much a catch 22 situation although I suspect there is a more classical example that, again, I can't remember. On the other hand apathy is not the answer either - burying heads in the sand never achieved anything. (Unless they were someone else's heads.) Joe Blo in the street is generally unaware of most of the issues involved - and the media do little to help. Either they are supporting the Monsantos of the world in their propaganda campaign (we are working to feed the starving millions) or are being similarly manipulated by other pressure groups (e.g the Greens) for their own ends - most recently political.. Possibly they would have more support in this case if they weren't so extreme on other issues! In the long run however, the media is just trying to sell paper or airtime so they will always tend to the sensational. So what to be done. A sensible education program of some sort would be a start but it is hard to see how a balanced presentation could be made while keeping the public interested. The only thing that the Monsantos of the world will react to is profit & loss statements. To reduce their GE investment there would need to be a significant public resistance to the consumption of GE products and this is unlikely while the perceived quality is high and the dollar cost of produce is low. Politicians are going to be subject to pressure groups, largely uninformed and with their own interests. - or am I being too cynical? As I noted at the start - I am coming around to your viewpoint but do not believe a blanket prohibition is necessarily desirable - or even possible. Richard P -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads