> Furthermore - we have already changed our food chain > through the process of selective breeding The difference between relatively harmless selective breeding and genetic modification is enormous. Some people seem not to have grasped the significance of moving genetic code between species, something that could never happen in nature. Selectively breeding tomatoes by grafting and cross-pollination is one thing, but inserting bacterial genetic code into a tomato is quite another - some would say monstrous. One of the claims I find totally unpalatable (as unpalatable as supermarket tomatoes) is that "we can feed the world with better crops". This ignores the fact that there is enough food to go around but tinpot regimes and civil wars put a stop to the even distribution of it. Bottom line is what it's always been - money. Even at the amateur gardener level there are already suspicions that seed is modified so that (a) the plants grown from it are sterile, so you have buy a whole new lot next season and (b) that the seeds and "recommended" fertiliser (made of course by the same company) must be used together, as there's something in the fertiliser that is missing from the seed -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads