Jim wrote: > > "Ahh, unbelievers in the "render unto Caesar the things > that are Caesar's....." Very wise words and undeniably the meaning is clear, that Caesar should receive what is his, ie what he deserves, the amount that truly belongs to him. :o) So notice it *doesn't* say: "render unto Caesar the amount that the latest government tries to get away with, to cover their inneficiency and self-voted pay rises and fat government pensions and money shoveled at whining minority groups to buy their favour and money unfairly spent in marginal seat areas just before elections blah blah" A robber is a person who takes money from you without giving an adequate explanation of why they deserve that amount... Stirring the pot. ;o) -Roman -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu