It is if you only need a few of them and would otherwise pay the single-unit price of $8.98, plus the handling charge if the order is under $25. It is if you're close to the seller and can pick them up or avoid import duties, or or or... Folks, can we please quit sniping about prices people want for things? If someone offers to sell a 16F84 for $20 I don't care. I can decide whether or not it's a price I'm willig to pay, as can every other list subscriber all on their own. If you feel compelled to tell people their asking price is too high, check your local newspaper for sale ads, you'll be busy for years. Dale --- We are Dyslexia of Borg. Fusistance is retile. Your ass will be laminated. > You can buy the F877 I/P from Digikey for $5.73 ea. for quantities of >100. > $6 ea. is not such a good deal. -- hint: To leave the PICList