>No it's not. In fact it's exactly the opposite. Why doesn't every desktop >computer then have 2 or more CPUs, one for infrastructure and the other >for actual work then? Well they do actually Geoff. Theres one in the Keyboard, theres one in the RTC, theres one in each disk controller..... :) If these are not "infrastructure" serving the main CPU, what is? You cannot get at them to program them without going through a lot of hassle. I see a real need for an extra processor on the board, beyond any target processors, to handle serial interface with the PC, and deal with the programming/ICD side of the operation, but cannot be touched as a target processor. The cost of including a 16F876/SO for this purpose to keep things simple for the hobbyist must be minimal. Having ICD capabilities available will be a whole gigantic leap for the beginner instead of having to surmise and experiment/crash and burn to find out why his code does not work. Sure the ICD as implemented in the ICD 1/16F87x is not great in that it stops the peripherals when it stops execution, but it is still in another league than the crash and burn cycle if you cannot figure what is going on. I will be interested to see if the ICD2 is any faster or better in this respect. I have not got through the whole of the weekends mails yet, so may have more to say later. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu