source=\2002\08\18\230528a Calm down Sean... ...I see that you have taken several of my comments that were directed at list members as personal attacks.. I'm sorry, I should have worded that better. Your offer was most kind, and I don't want to seem ungrateful or cause you any hesitation about helping out the list but I do believe that your suggestion "So how about it? How about between us all we develop a "STANDARD" PICList Programmer." was misguided because the PICList has NEVER produced a viable design for anything. Individual members of the PICList have OFTEN produced excellent designs by pulling suggestions from the extreem depth and breadth of other list members experience and following their OWN thoughts about the final design. If you want to finish the design based on the suggestions you have recieved here, GREAT! I wish you would make that more clear because I fear that some other list members will be angered when there pet ideas for this project are rejected. And again, I feel, as I stated early on, that your offer would be much better directed towards improvement of existing designs by individuals rather than a "between us all" effort. You did talk to me some time ago about produceing a Pocket Programmer kit. I got a reply from Olimex first so I went with them and I'm very happy with the result. Here is an excellent example: An open source programmer that costs about $70 as a kit and does EVERYTHING the picstart + does (and more) except that it programs only parts that support serial programming algorithems. Why not finance the update of this excellent device to support some extra devices? It already has a boot loader. And produce it at cost? Tony has done 90% of the work already. You could probably make it for $40. Or less. I don't know, I never got a quote. Other points: I don't own the PICList, I don't even admin it much. I own the web site only in the since that I pay for it to stay up. But if this discussion doesn't bear some fruit or take a less argumentative course, I will suggest that it be moved. At least to [OT]:. As always, I'll ask for votes from the members, and confir with the other admins. Dale will have the final say, not I. Finally, please don't curse on the list. --- James Newton: webmaster, former Admin #3 1-619-652-0593 phone PIC/PICList FAQ: -- hint: To leave the PICList