Byron A Jeff wrote: > > I hope this doesn't sound selfish or anything but that is pretty much > > describing my V5 Experimenters kit. > > Not selfish at all. In fact I wish you would have said something a couple of > week ago. And at $86 USD it's in the price range that I've been talking > about. I generally don't fuss at you as much as I do Wouter because you'll > announce items as they come along, like the Fobbit for example. > > The only real difference between it and the Designer is that all the I/O > comes mounted. And that it still seems to be targeted as a full fledged > programmer. Hi Byron, It's quite good for code development too. I have set aside 1K of ROM that is there to simulate a 16F84, or use it for 16F87x code. The Windows interface downloads the assembled hex code and can be run and halted with a simple mouse click. It also accepts the code from the BASIC compiler I created (although it's only a simple beginner tool). All PORTA and PORTB pins are available. The UART is already connected to the PC and can be used with any terminal program for testing. Expanding a design would make better use of PORTC/D/E if a 40 pin chip was used. The $US86 would be a whole lot cheaper if the 3V SMPS and 32K EEPROM weren't used for portabillity. The price would drop to around $US65. Bear in mind, that price is for VERY LOW purchase quantities of kits. In high volume, no doubt that could come down a whole lot more and would ultimately reflect the profit margin wanted. In my case, bugger all :-) -- Best regards Tony mICros -- hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads