Well, yeah, screw that then. $33 each for a 2" x 3" board, with a 3-piece minimum is no great deal. I did however price out an 8" x 10" panel, onto which I could plop down all the boards I need a few times, including a couple of hobby projects I'd otherwise not bother with, and the price was OK without mask & silkscreen. Of course I'm using a version of Eagle that only does up to 4" x 3" boards. I'll say it again: too bad Olimex took the whole flippin' month off. Otherwise they'd have their money and I'd have my boards by now. Dale On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Eric Chan wrote: > It doesn't work on the 433 special if you group a couple of small boards together > and submit as one file. I have a couple of 1"x1" boards combined and they just > won't do it unless their CAD guys can't catch it. I think for smaller boards its > better to use other PCB houses. The $33 special is best for huge boards. -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu