This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --Boundary_(ID_SJRiC7Q3MIi7UvBeOeW7Jw) Content-type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT I've used AC for a couple of years, with good success. We do mostly 8 layer boards, and have only had problems with one batch. Registration was bad, and they took care of it ASAP. Now having said all that...Has anyone used Accutrace? They have a very attractive offer in this months 'Electronic Design' mag, and I'd like to give it a shot. AC never has any sort of special on multi layer, and Accutrace is offering 6 layers @ $75USD and 8 layers @ $100USD, up to 90 sq. inches, 5 piece min., and that's a pretty good deal. Anybody ever buy from them. Regards, John Marshall llile@SALTONUSA.COM wrote: > > I've also had good luck with 4PCB.Com. When I did a bunch of comparison > quotes a year ago, they came out cheapest and most flexible. They are > pretty fast, and are careful about flagging any problems on the board and > asking questions before proceeding. --Boundary_(ID_SJRiC7Q3MIi7UvBeOeW7Jw) Content-type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name=john.vcf Content-transfer-encoding: 7BIT Content-disposition: attachment; filename=john.vcf Content-description: Card for John Marshall begin:vcard n:Marshall;John tel;cell:817-917-7190 tel;fax:817-275-8938 tel;work:817-275-1311 x-mozilla-html:FALSE org:Nova Instrument & Engineering version:2.1 email; title:Sr. Design Engineer adr;quoted-printable:;;1817 East Division St.=0D=0A;Arlington;TX;76011;USA fn:John Marshall end:vcard --Boundary_(ID_SJRiC7Q3MIi7UvBeOeW7Jw)-- -- hint: To leave the PICList