On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Nigel Orr wrote: > Is it possible to program the 16F628 using the picp linux command-line > interface to the picstart? It seems to work using the 16f84a setting, but > presumably if I go over the 1K memory space that might not work? Is there > any other way to program the 16f628 under linux using a picstart? I haven't tried the F628 with picp/picstart yet, but here are a couple of suggestions: 1) Get a recent copy of picp 2) Update the picstart+ ROM. If you have a windows box handy, then try programming the F628 using MPLAB. If it works with MPLAB, then the problem is not with Picstart+. > BTW, I had my first look in ages at gpsim last night, very very impressed, > it seems to work well and is _incredibly_ fast, thanks to all those who have > done the work on it! One question though- I wasn't sure if there was a way > to step through the 'real' .asm file source code as it ran, rather than just > the opcodes, so I can see comments, labels etc. I selected view source, but > it just came up with a blank window- should I have assembled in a different > way to 'gpasm file.asm' to produce more info in the cod file? Try this: gpasm file.asm This produces three files: file.lst, file.hex, and file.cod The symbols are in the .cod file. Invoke gpsim by: gpsim -s file.cod The -s means "symbols". Or you can do it from the gpsim prompt: $ gpsim gpsim> load s file.code (Note no '-' before the 's'). I think your debugging experience will be much nicer with symbols! Scott -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu