Harold M Hallikainen wrote: > Anyone done any interface between a PIC and Smart Media? Harold: Do you need to be compatible with the SmartMedia Standard file format? In other words, will your PIC write to SmarttMedia cards which will subsequently be read by other devices like cameras, PC SmartMedia readers, MP3 players, etc.? If so, I would STRONGLY recommend against attempting this with a PIC; the RAM requirements (16K for a logical-to-physical lookup table, plus another 2K or so for buffer/variable storage) will make it sorta difficult. If you have another processor (or a PC) doing all the thinking, or if you don't need to comply with the SmartMedia Standard, you COULD use the PIC as the electrical interface to the card. You'd still need to buffer 512 bytes of data somewhere, though. If it were me, I'd use a different processor in any case. If I had to comply with the SmartMedia Standard and I cared about throughput, I'd use either a VERY different processor (like a 100MHz+ ARM or equivalent) or dedicated hardware for certain functions (like ECC calculation and checking). -Andy === Andrew Warren -- aiw@cypress.com === Principal Design Engineer === Cypress Semiconductor Corporation === === Opinions expressed above do not === necessarily represent those of === Cypress Semiconductor Corporation -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.