I assume that TRd ww is the name that comes up as the errant= program. First is this a program that you physically start? If not then it= is a background process, and you have two choices, hunt down the offending program or use the XP repair option. Has this suddenly started happening, and if so, have you recently= installed any AntiVirus (especially Nortons), FireWall, Scanner/Imaging Software, shareware such as anti popup,registry cleaners,spam blockers or loaded on an ISPs CD for Internet Connection. Generally speaking most programs that run in the background can= be found by running MSCONFIG and looking at the STARTUP tab and you= can untick the program if it appears in the list, if it isn't in the= list then it could be in the compiled boot file which is a bit more of= a problem. However either you have installed a program that= 'disagrees' with this program or it or Windows has become corrupted. Don't try loading Windows over the top of itself it almost= certainly won't solve the problem and could trigger more. If you want to email me off list feel free, there are also MS newsgroups for XP off the MS site. Colin -- cdb, bodgy1@optusnet.com.au on 13/08/2002 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.