Hi, Olin > Only to a point. This is an *English* speaking list. Nobody has to post > here. We hold no monopoly on email lists talking about PICs or any other > subject. If someone doesn't like the fact that this is an English speaking > list, they can go start their own list in whatever language they like. It is indeed an english speaking list, even if that is not clearly stated when we sign in. The fact is that in "modern" World english is the "defacto" standard for technical matters and as such all lists tend to happen in english. And remember that the guy has put his question in English but having it as a second or third language makes us much less proficient at it. > I'm not trying to be elitist, merely selfishly looking out for my own time > and comfort. I can deal with a little broken English, but don't want to > (and won't) waste a lot of time second guessing what might really really be > meant by a post. If someone is asking me for a favor, it's their job to > communicate with me the way I ask. If they don't like it, oh well. I've > got plenty of other things to do. Try to look at from other view. It will happen someday that some "stranger" will have the best solution for a problem that you are having a hard time with !! Do not underestimate the knowledge from abroad, specially when dealing with the "old soviet empire". People from that region have lots of knowledge and many times are not goog english speakers. We might have many "hidden" talents of the list that do not show up because they are afraid to speak bad english ! Being "nice" to bad english writers maybe the best "selfish" thing to do !! They may help out if you let them free :-) > Also, I don't think broken English is the barrier you make it out to be. > For example see posts from Vasily. He obviously struggles with English, but > in the end you can usually get the general idea of what he is trying to say. > He also comes accross quite clearly as a nice guy who is trying to help > rather than an arrogant ingrate who wants someone else to do all the work > for him. Be extra carefull when judging what people from the orient say !! Vasily, myself and people with languages that had heavy latin origins can undertand and express in english much better than people with arabic, chinese or japanese origins. Their languages and cultures are so much different from ours that things have "weird" meanings to them. The guy who asked for help is PROBABLY just being lazy but I am not so sure about it. He may be really a bad english speaker. Variety of cultures and experiences is one of the things that make the Piclist so nice. In my opinion we should try to encourage people with bad english to come and share their experiences. I know I am being "selfish" on this one ;-) My english sometimes is as bad as it gets but I do not mind people telling me that. Sometimes I reread my messages after posting and just wait for someone to understand the opposite of what I am trying to say ! Best regards, Alexandre Guimaraes -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.