hi, I'm trying to figure out how to use my PIC to control an AC voltage. For example: I have a fountain that las low voltage AC lights, and a set of low voltage AC pumps (say 3 lights and 3 pumps, all run off of 12V AC, max all three lights and all three pumps would be on. The pumps are rated at 3.6A). I want to create a program to turn on and off lights and the pumps at my will. Obviously, my PIC circuit is a DC circuit. So, can anyone suggest what I might be able to do in order to control this AC voltage? I don't need to funnel a lot of power, 60 watts (actually 43.2, but increasing a bit for safety) per "switch". So, the AC side would be 12V AC, the DC would be 5V DC for the PIC and either the LCD or perhaps LED's to indicate what is on and off. Any resources, sites, small samples would be most appreciated. -Tony -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.