source=\2002\08\09\013248a ANTI-PROGRAMMER: I can see where Byron is coming from... rather than making a beginners life easier by teaching him how to program a chip faster or offering YET ANOTHER alternative to programming a chip, just skip the programming issues entirely and move on to getting something interesting, instructive and possibly useful into and running on a PIC with some IO junk ready to go. Later, if you want to add a ZIF socket on a Daughter Board (or a SMT socket for that matter) and download a programmer application into the main PIC, great. Or maybe you want to add a stepper controller board and hook the thing up to a physical device that needs to be moved about. Or... whatever... the point is: Make getting working code into the PIC a NON-ISSUE. Concentrate on teaching people how to do things with code in the PIC and some simple hardware. INTERFACE: The interface to the host is always going to be a pain. As pointed out by many, every path leads to failure in some subset of the possible cases. I think there is only one solution: Redundancy. - Parallel: Start with a standard parallel port interface via an 8 bit port on the PIC and 3 control lines from another port - USB 2 Parallel adapter: Really simple USB adapter chips that put out parallel are a few dollars if that. Use this to build a Daughter Board that adapts USB to parallel and removes the variations found between PC parallel ports. Win/*nix/Mac Drivers are already written. Other people are doing similar: - Serial: Include a minimal TTL-RS232 adapter (resistors and zenor diode) (see Peter L. Perez's comments near the bottom) and include a header for Ashley's RCL-1 TTL to RS232 adapter so that if you can't get a good serial connection with out the max232 on board, it will be easy to add. EXPANSION: - DON'T GET HUNG UP ON ADDING EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW - Make the system modular with a good connector (header) that will allow you to add (even daisy chain) other devices later Hey... that sounds sort of like... CUMP --- James Newton: webmaster, former Admin #3 1-619-652-0593 phone PIC/PICList FAQ: -- hint: To leave the PICList