> For Shawn and the others that have offered to support this without a profit, > I know I speak for all of the list when I say the gesture is appreciated, > but really think about what you are saying. You have inventory costs, NREs, > equipment costs, insurance, salaries, rent as well as lost opportunity time, > all of which have to be paid for somehow. This whole idea has grown so much further than the idea that Sean and I had last weekend. The original idea included the PCB and parts for a programmer, a couple of well documented starter programs with included hex files and perhaps a roadmap to the information available on the PICList and the Internet. The idea was to develop a small/inexpensive package that would overcome that first hurdle for the beginner: getting that first PIC programmed -- and further, to offer a programmer and documentation that would move the beginner from the 16F84 to the 'F628 or '877. The project that has evolved probably won't see reality as it's too much for any one to commit to, but the original idea could. Sean has offered to produce the board and I and many others have offered to distribute it. Costs are minimal, benefits are large. -Shawn -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.