Tag corrected. Original message from Jumanji follows ----- Original Message ----- From: "jumanji" Hello everybody, My first post if it works (tried one before but it didn't) Ok, here we go, I just got into PICs (with very very limited electronic background tbh, but I've soldered a LED before so to say) & my programming skills are .. well I had some basic,pascal,c but so long ago that it is all neglectable. It took me a while to gather enough info & tools to get started, but now I have gotten a few programs running. Finding its features the most appealing compared to other boards I have been looking at, I went for the LAB-X1 experimenter board (PIC16F877-20/P included) together with the EPIC programmer. I didn't want to spend much time on putting together circuits myself to get to learn programming PICs. I also didn't get the BASIC compiler though. After a while I think I'll be using some C package (still have to investigate which) to program them, but at the moment I'm experimenting with MPASM, I never looked into assembly language before, but I find it quite interesting, maybe I'll just stick to it after all. The hardware seems to work ok, it took me a while to get it running, but now the included test hexfiles load & execute just fine (it seems to me, anyway) and -more important- I have gotten a few programs working on it. But... unfortunately (but to be expected), this success didn't last for long. I'm trying to control some LEDs (what else :), with the aid of online examples, like the ones on piclist (great resource btw) The 'lite-a-led' eperiment was a great success. The 'flash-a-led' gave me some problems, I found a 'nested-loop'-delay that I used but somehow it didn't work right. The LED's either were on or off, no action at all. It was actually a PIC16F84 example & I thought it might have something todo with that. I messed a bit with the code without knowing what I was doing (moved the positions of call delay & clear carry flag around etc), but didn't get anything to work & so I gave up. The 'move-a-led' also didnt work properly, it uses a similar delay. I went looking for other delay methods & I found this great 'delay generator' on the piclist, so I guess the code just had to be correct. Meanwhile I got to know MPLAB a bit better & yes, the debugger shows that 1 bit of PORTD 'moves' The experiment is done on a 10 LED bargraph, but 8 r used. The idea is that 1 lit LED 'moves' from position 1 to 8 & repeats (with RLF PORTD or RRF PORTD) but, it doesn't do that, I get all kind of strange things, like it moves 1-4 & then resets. When I fill in other delay times I get different effects, like a skipping a few positions. Then I used a 0.25sec generated code & to my amazement it works perfect. I kept this one & extend the program with a BTFSS instruction on the last bit of PORTD to make it go down again. But.... it doesn't, it just toggles between position 1 & 8, other delay values make it just stick on position 1, or skip a few places on the way back. I have replaced the delay code with a NOP & watched PORTD with the debugger, it seems to work perfect, 1 bit moves from pos1 to pos8 & back. So I think I should find the problems somewhere else, but I don't knowwhereto look. Possible issues I could think of myself to check: *All ports are configured as output & set Low, delivered clock is 4MHz (jumper setting) *Power supply shud be sufficient (using 2warts, 1 for the expboard 15VDC/500mA & 1 for the programmer12VDC/800mA) *The programmer stays connected & powered while executing the program on the expboard, I have tried without it on working & nonworking programs, it never changed anything. *the LEDs share the PORTD with the LCD controller, but the documentation says it is to be ignored. * Maybe it has something todo with 'jitter', I found some thing on http://www.piclist.com/techref/microchip/timer.htm but this gets ways too technical for me. I would like to ask if there is anybody out there who could point me out wat todo next? Maybe someppl have similar hardware (&similar problems?) Further I would like to know, these flashPICs like 877, can they be reprogrammed a certain limited amount of times, or are they forever reprogrammable ? Oh, & did anybody ever order anything from epemag in uk ? I did, I got some obscure java-order routine inside a webpage.The order was confirmed on the webpage, but I didn't get any email confirmation, not even after I mailed them again to ask for it. Epemag doesn't seem very trustworthy to me, are they to be avoided or has anybody had good experiences with them ? thanks a bunch in advance & sorry for the long post best regards -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads -- http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: [PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads