From: "Dominic Stratten" > Please kick me if I'm being out of line here, treading on anyones toes or > being unreasonable wanting to make a 5 ukp profit out of newbies starting > out on their programming ;-) > Well I paid 20 quid for a programmer kit from a manafacturer and it never worked :( Never did work out why- I tried so many different things! I gave up in the end. I'd be tempted to make it a few pounds more and include a floppy with the programming software and example HEX files and a 16F84 (lets not get on the 16F84 vs 16F826 argument- 16F84s are simpler and if the newbie can't get a programmer to work, they're going to find the 16F84 pdf file easier to understand).... Ben -- hint: To leave the PICList