Hello, I'm making some measurements and I've found some interesting numbers. When sleeping, the PIC16F628@4MHz consumes about 42uA @ 5V. If I suply it with some AA Alkaline batteries, it would mean rougly: 2850mAh / 42uA = 67857 hours = 2827 days = 7.74 years without use. This is very good! When not sleeping, whe PIC consumes about 1mA: 2850mAh / 1mA = 2850 hours = 118 days = 3.95 months with continuous use. Obviously, we have the Infrared LEDs, that can consume average about 3 mA (considering duty cycles and pauses between packets). 2850mAh / (1+3)mA = 712.5 hours = 29,68 days with continuous use. This is very good figures, and this means that a 78L05 is a complete waste of power. A 78L05 draws about 3mA when nothing is connected to it's outputs. So, 3xAA batteries would be a very better option as a 16F628 can work untill the batteries go down to 3V. When I'll put this on production, I'll buy the 16LF628 that can work down to 2V. Thank you all for pointing me to the right direction. Best regards, Brusque ----------------------------------------------------------------- Edson Brusque C.I.Tronics Lighting Designers Ltda Research and Development Blumenau - SC - Brazil Say NO to HTML mail www.citronics.com.br ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu