On Fri, 19 Jul 2002, Brendan Moran wrote: >> >> Would waste products from the refining of hydrogen be worse for the >> environment than petroleum based internal combustion? > >I've heard this argument tons of times. And, what I come back to is >2 possibilities. >1. Use electrical power to electrolize water with H2SO4 as a catalyst >or, >2. I've been told that there is a large, naturally replenishible >supply of hydrogen pockets in the earth's crust. Not. Hydrogen diffuses through anything. If there are any pockets they have to be well hidden to have stayed there for millions of years. What really happens is that some oil contains dissolved hydrogen. This turns out to be a major problem when it is pumped out and the pressure is removed. There is a good reason for all them eternal flames burning near extraction wells and other oil and gas industry related equipment. >I don't know which is better, but it might not be long before people >are drilling for H2 instead of oil. God forbid you strike a H2 pocket with any of todays drilling tools, even a small pocket. You really have to do the tin can experiment to understand what you are delaing with. The hydrogen bubbles coming out of the straw and popping in the flame are almost loud enough to give you ringing ears, and they are tiny. Peter -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body