John, test the alternator at that RPM, it is intended for.=20 If you have 6v 3000 RPM motorcycle alternator=20 then it is OK. Find 12v alternator of low RPM engines or change=20 if possible transmission ratio from engine to the=20 alternator to increase RPMs. Cheer up. Mike. John Dammeyer wrote: > The manual states the procedure on how to test the output of the > alternator and that's what I did. At maximum engine RPM the=20 > alternator > produced about 3VAC. >=20 > It's possible that at some point I may have inadvertently shut off the > Master Battery switch while the engine was still running. This would > have disconnected the battery from the alternator output and blown the > regulator which in turn took out the windings. It's a common problem > on boats with master switches and Diesels that don't care if they have > electricity for operation. This "Load Dump" can be prevented=20 > by putting > a hefty transorb on the output of the alternator regulator to keep the > voltage within some safe point. Given that this diesel is=20 > from the mid > 70's the chance of it surviving a Load Dump is pretty=20 > unlikely. So more > than likely I shot myself in the foot. >=20 > That's one reason why I would like to have a system that has high > voltage diodes and regulator transistors to be capable of=20 > with standing > the Load Dump voltages. >=20 > Sigh.... -- hint: To leave the PICList