They don't need to know what it's written in, just that it does the job. They're not paying for it to be developed so it's just not an issue. Have you or they ever seen any commercial package that advertises what it was written with ? Probably not. =20 Ask the Boss to get his 'Programmer' to explain to him _exactly_ why he thinks your program will not provide the benefits you claim to his business. Ask him to get the person who designs his windows to evaluate it & explain the benefits to his business. On Fri, 5 Jul 2002 01:29:49 +0300, you wrote: > Hi, PICLIST members! > I need an advice on marketing, if possible, > please. > I've developed software for small to middle >companies manufacturing plastic and aluminium >windows. The software, written in _MS_VB_, >enables them to draw windows on PC monitor, >calculate all parameters of all components, print >them, calculate price, stock support and so on. > The program is installed and worked >successfully in some companies for 1 to 4 years. > Now I have new potential client. He saw the >program working. But, being a boss a little, he >grasped nothing (post soviet specific). For >computer related questions he has employee, >who proudly calls himself a programmer. > He didn't see my program, moreover he even >has no intentions to see it on his computer, since >he is absolutely convinced of Delphi being the >only real instrument to develop software with. > So the question is: What should I do to sell them >my programm? I can't name them other clients, >satisfied with my programm, by the way. > Any ideas, please. Any similar experience? > (Humour & sarcasm of any kind are always >welcome. Jinx, no biped SPDTs, jumping as >kangaroo are in sight. ) > > Mike. Ukraine. -- Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email with SET PICList DIGEST in the body