You are losing all of your hair simply because of evolutionary improvements on the species homo sapiens. Early humans had sloping postures, underdeveloped intellect and hairy frames. Modern man has risen above his ape-like ancestors as a result or several tiny improvements/changes in the genetic code. These changes represent evolutionary advances whereby the strong survive and the weak perish. These microscopic changes are hidden within human DNA; however, we can clearly witness their manifestations on the human being. The frame has straighened. Intellectual abilities have increased. And lastly, the once protective coating of hair, no longer necessary, is disappearing. First on the hands and feet, then buttocks, the legs, arms, chest and finally the head. Indeed baldness is the highest form of evolution. You are not losing your hair because of stress or age. You are simply ahead of your time. Also ahead of his time, Shawn >Seemed like a good reason why I was loosing all my hair. Maybe it's old >age after all - doh ! > _________________________________________________________________ Join the world s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. -- hint: To leave the PICList