Happy Friday! ckchan's message yesterday reminded me of something that list members might be interested in... My employer has a LPKF ProtoMat 92s PCB milling/prototyping machine that has seen almost no use, and is available for sale should someone be interested. The machine was purchased new in October, 1996 for US$10,500. My best guess is that we have used it no more than maybe a dozen times since then. It's virtually like new. The bad news: It will require a new software package to operate it, since the old software and key got lost in the process of moving. (I can't for the life of me imagine why they think they need key-protected software with this thing. Without the machine itself, what good is the software anyway?) A couple of years ago, we asked the factory what a new package would cost and I think they quoted US$800 at the time. LPKF no longer makes this model, but you can see their lineup at http://www.lpkfusa.com/ I believe we would be looking to sell this for a little less than half of what we paid for it, which is a bit higher than what Mr. Chan wanted to pay. But I'm sure the price is somewhat negotiable, especially considering that the buyer will also have to pay LPKF for new software. BTW we are in the northwestern USA, near Seattle. If anyone's interested, please contact me off-list and we can go from there. Brian Aase brianaase@symetrixaudio.com -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The PICList is archived three different ways. See http://www.piclist.com/#archives for details.