Mike Singer wrote: > Michael Milner wrote: > >>I've been prototyping a circuit that connects two 16550 >>Serial UARTs to a >>PIC (the PIC16F877). I know the PIC already has a UART, but >>I'm using that >>already. I was thinking about doing some bit banging to eliminate the >>external UARTs, but in my application I need the speed and >>accuracy of these >>external UARTS. >> > > > How about using PIC16LF627-04 ($2, AUSART) instead of 16550 UART? > What is the price of 16550? I looked up the 16C550 on Digi-Key; they cost US$3.92 in singles, or $2.43 in 100 quantity. (The old non-CMOS 16550 is even more expensive.) Using the 16C552 dual UART gets you a little closer; they're $7.04 in singles or $4.75 for 100, and you get two UARTs per chip. (But you have to deal with PLCC or LQFP packages.) At those prices, it's actually cheaper to use a couple of extra PICs than to use UARTs - 16F627s are only $3.20 in singles, or $1.69 in 100 quantity! The economics of this business are strange sometimes... -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu