I have just spent 4 hours trying to work out why a routine wasn't= working using the trusted light a LED method. I isolated all the previously working parts, 3 LED's later I know= the routine is entered, I know the routine is exited, still it= doesn't work. I rewrite the routine no luck. Pop off to watch the midday news, come back and the solution to= the problem is writ large. I had written- PORTA^0x02; INSTEAD of PORTA^=3D0x02; Didn't even pick it up from the .LST file! Sigh - still at least I didn't spend 2 weeks trying to find out= why a Diplexor Amp board worked on the test bench but not in= situ. The Engineers even redesigned the circuit and PCB. No one had thought to run the bench test on a completed unit -= somebody on the assembly floor realised the PCB stuffing compamy= had left some of the leads too long, so they were shorting out= on the Low Pass filter frame. Colin( living up to his nick of bodgy) -- cdb, cdb@barnard.name on 31/03/2002 -- cdb, bodgy1@optusnet.com.au on 25/06/2002 -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu