I've been prototyping a circuit that connects two 16550 Serial UARTs to a PIC (the PIC16F877). I know the PIC already has a UART, but I'm using that already. I was thinking about doing some bit banging to eliminate the external UARTs, but in my application I need the speed and accuracy of these external UARTS. Ok, so now my problem. For some reason, when I assert the Read line on the UART (to tell the uart to put it's recieved byte onto the bus), it takes almost a full second for the bus to arrive at the correct value. On top of that, the _RXRDY line (which indicates when a byte is waiting to be read) does not de-assert when I'm done reading. Unfortunately, I don't have a scope to see what's going on, so I can't say for certain how deep this problem is. I've worked with the 16550 UART in this manner before and it worked fine. Could I have melted the 16550's bus drivers or something? I'm using PORTD of the PIC as my data bus, and the 6 bits of PORTA for control (yes, I have a pull-up resistor on RA4) If nothing obvious comes up, I can post the scematics or code. Thanks, Mike -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body