Looking into "converting" my Tait programmer for ICSP, and read about the setting MCLR before 4 instruction cycles issue. Not a problem with a crystal, but might be with the RC oscillator. Perhaps I really need to migrate from the RC oscillator to crystals once and for all, even in my timing-insensitive apps. But then there's the whole stay-below-1.705 mhz deal f/FCC exemption, and the expensive 1MHz crystal deal. Another issue is that the crystal I find are usually quite large (relative to the spot I want to squeeze it in). So I was looking at resonators. I know that 3-pin resonators can be used with PIC's, but are not as accurate as crystals (not a problem for the timing-insensitive apps), but my calcs tell me that I don't want to use it for anything with a time-clock. But what about 2-pin resonators? Can I use these with a PIC? If so, how would I wire it up -- same as a crystal? And would cap selection be the same as for a crystal? Cheers, -Neil. -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body