Well, I don't much about "legal" issues per se (CE, international certification, etc), but you may need to make your customers aware of certain things like shipping costs, exchange rate, VAT (Value Added Tax), duty, and such so that they do not get a big surprise when they receive the merchandise (oh BTW, that'll be an extra 100 quid). I have sent my non PIC products overseas without much problems to various individual customer, and haven't had any problems with dealers either (fairly small volumes). But, I suspect that if you start shipping product in large volumes, you had better have an international certification of some sort, or it may bite ya in the @ss (i.e. products held up in foreign customs indefinitely, refusal of product by foreign customs and shipped back on your dime, possible legal action, although they'd be hard pressed to get you into a court.) I doubt if a PIC would qualify as "advanced technology" per se, but you can contact your local customs office to "maybe" find out. Also look on search engines for "government & customs & export", and you should find something useful. If your selling only 10 to 50 units a month, I guess I wouldn't worry much about it. If your doing 500 to 1000 or more units a month, you may need to think about international certification (spendy). I think anyone trying to sue you from overseas would be hard pressed to do so, as the costs involved would prohibitive unless someone is severely injured or died, and the foriegn goverment got involved. At any rate, any product you send overseas should be tested thourghly two or three times, to make dammed sure it works right (nothing worse than a malfuctioning product that requires high shipping costs to have repaired). Sincerely, The other bob 8^] -----Original Message----- From: Daniel Rubin To: PICLIST@MITVMA.MIT.EDU Date: Friday, June 21, 2002 4:28 PM Subject: [OT]: Shipping PIC products from US abroad? >Hello All, > >Not sure what happened to the subject on that last post... sorry that is >annoying! > >I have received a lot of requests to ship out some of my products >internationally. Most of what I sell is PIC related. I have a web site but >I do most of my business on Ebay. > >Does anyone out there have any information on the additional costs/risk of >shipping items such as PIC microcontroller based products from the US to >other countries? Are there specific export restrictions to certain >countries? What are the risk associated with people filing bogus law suits >and such? > >Please excuse the ignorance I have never thought about shipping abroad >until now. > >Thanks >- Dan > > >-- Design Devices, http://www.designdevices.com >PIC microcontroller programmers & tools, motor controllers and more! Ebay >Deals: >http://cgi6.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewSellersOtherItems&userid=designde vices > >-- >http://www.piclist.com hint: PICList Posts must start with ONE topic: >[PIC]:,[SX]:,[AVR]: ->uP ONLY! [EE]:,[OT]: ->Other [BUY]:,[AD]: ->Ads > > > -- http://www.piclist.com hint: The list server can filter out subtopics (like ads or off topics) for you. See http://www.piclist.com/#topics