OK, experts. I need held. B_A_A_A_D Here is my code for driving a 595 shift register, at the present time uss an F877 in Flash Lab. serout2 so, 84, ["Starting", 10, 13] low PortB.1 serout2 so, 84, ["Low latch", 10, 13] shiftout PortB.2, PortB.0, msbfirst, [%10101010] serout2 so, 84, ["Shiftout", 10, 13] pulsout PortB.1, 100 serout2 so, 84, ["Pulsout", 10, 13] low PortB.1 serout2 so, 84, ["Receiving Plan", 10, 13] The debug screen displays Starting Low latch Shiftout but never gets to the "Pulsout", It just goes back to Starting. It's like it doesn't like "pulsout PortB.1, 100" and just ignores it and restarts. Why ? Sid -- http://www.piclist.com hint: To leave the PICList mailto:piclist-unsubscribe-request@mitvma.mit.edu