> That may be fine for hobby work, but I need a programmer that I don't have > to waste time "fixing", works accross the product line, and I know will be > supported for future products, and works without any doubt and fussing with > MPLAB. That's why we have two PicstartPlus' around here, which are well > worth it for $100 each. I've gotten really bitter about Universal Programmers over the last month. I have a Logical Devices ChipMaster 2000 at work. I needed to program a PIC16F877. The "software expandable" "universal" programmer doesn't support the PIC16F877. When I asked for a new driver set for it, they told me to buy a new one for $1200, and that they'd be nice and knock $100 off the price as a trade-in, if we returned the 2000. Universal programmers suck. This is one big reason that I'm working on CUMP.(http://www.piclist.com/techref/piclist/cump/index.htm) I hope to get it so that there IS a software expandable universal programmer available. My opinion is don't buy a programmer, since they will cop out on you anyways. Microchip's programmers may be different, since they make their money from selling PICs, not from selling programmers to replace the ones that they stop supporting. My very angry $.02 Brendan -- http://www.piclist.com#nomail Going offline? Don't AutoReply us! email listserv@mitvma.mit.edu with SET PICList DIGEST in the body